Ted Cahall participated in the
SCCA MARRS 9 and 10 races on Labor Day
weekend. Ted's fastest lap times
on Saturday and Sunday were similar to his best times at MARRS 4, 5, and
7. The Saturday morning qualifier
session produced a 1:35.510, the Sunday race produced a 1:35.721. The main
20 lap race on Monday was a different story. Up to that point, Ted's
fastest lap ever was a mid 1:33. Ted was faster than that on 11 of the 19
laps and broke the 1:33 barrier on 7 of those laps. His fastest lap was a
Monday's fastest lap was Ted Cahall's fastest recorded time on the Summit Point
"Main" Course ever. The photo below is out on the grid before
the Sunday race with the "Umbrella Lady". It was hot, so the
Nomex suit was not zippered until he got in the car.
Drag Race ||
AMG Challenge
School ||
PDX ||
Trials ||
MARRS 1 ||
WCDriving ||
MARRS 4 ||
MARRS 9/10 ||
MARRS 11 ||